Growing Practices

Track food sustainability for your business

Local Line collects data on growing practises for a variety of products so help you better understand your supply chain and meet your sustainability targets.
Local Line platform search for supplier using regenerative growing practices

Maximum transparency

Ready to have complete transparency from farm to fork? Local Line helps you understand all your suppliers growing practises, tracking 17 different metrics.

Increased sustainability

The hardest part about achieving your sustainability targets can be knowing where to start. Local Line can show you exactly how to move the needle to meet your goals.

Prove it with data

Back up your claims with real from-the-farm data to tell your story. All your metrics are visually displayed in your Reports dashboard.
Growing Practices

You can't improve what you can't measure

Buyers everywhere are craving a clear understanding of how their products are being grown, but on-farm data collection is time consuming and ever changing. Local Line takes care of this for you, bringing you complete visibility to your suppliers growing practises.
Start measuring your suppliers growing practices.
Calculate how growing practices increase your sustainability.
Work with suppliers who make sustainability a priority.
Local Line product screen showcasing subscriptions feature
Growing Practices

Start quantifying your sustainability impact

Subscription delivery or pickup options

17 unique growing practices

Measure up to 17 unique growing practises and track changes over time to see how your suppliers are improving their sustainability.
Subscriptions by package user interface

Add your suppliers

Upload your suppliers to see what data Local Line may already have, and have our team do the work to specify their growing practices for you.
Add or change your subscription order

Track sustainability improvements

Use your custom Local Line dashboard to measure seasonal improvements in your supply chain sustainability.
Growing Practices

Consistently adding new ways to benchmark your sustainability

The food supply chain is ever evolving and frankly, you have enough on your plate. Let our team stay on top of new cutting edge sustainable growing practices and bring them to you.
Improve transparency
Do you know what percentage of your eggs are free range? Or how much of the produce you buy is grown using regenerative techniques? We can tell you!
Sustainability scoring
Create your own Sustainability Scoring and track monthly movements.

Show, don't tell
Share stories with your customers about how you're improving your sustainability by encouraging better growing practises with your suppliers. Track stats over time and share real metrics.
Track 17 unique growing practices
Track 17 unique growing practices including Animal Welfare Certified, BIPOC owned, Global Seafood Alliance, No Till, Certified Organic, Regenerative, and more.
Score your current suppliers
Upload your current suppliers and we'll get to work adding their growing practices.
Exceed your sustainability targets
Whether you're trying to source fully regenerative products or achieve carbon neutrality, we'll build you a plan to exceed your target by purchasing from the right suppliers.
Trusted by the best in the business

Trusted by the best in the business

Local Line is trusted by all types of food buyers from grocery retailers, co-ops, restaurants, and more. See what they have to say about Local Line's procurement software.
“We've been really impressed with the people behind Local Line. It's really focused on agriculture and what we're doing which is really handy. Anytime you're asking for support, there's always someone there. They're speaking our language, they know farming. They know the platform really well.”
Testimonial image from River Bottom Family Farm
Laura and Ray
River Bottom Family Farm
"Having customers be able to order online is huge. Last year, we didn’t even have a credit card feature for most of our CSA members. We had to rely on people seeing our advertising, then remembering to go home, write a check, and send it in the mail. This has made it a lot easier for your customers and us! "
Testimonial image from Spur Hollow Farm
Spur Hollow Farm