You have questions, we have answers. Here are some frequently asked questions you may have about Local Line's paid advertising service.
Are there costs in addition to the monthly fee?
Yes, in addition to the monthly fee you pay Local Line to run this service, you'll also pay for your advertising costs. Ad costs are measured on a per day basis, and we usually recommend to start with a budget of $10/day, or roughly $300 per month.
Is there a minimum commitment period?
We recommend committing to three months initially in order to provide appropriate time to see results. If you purchase the service annually, you receive a 20% discount just like with a Local Line platform subscription.
Who owns the work, graphics, etc?
You own all of the graphics and assets related to the ads we run on your behalf. If you decide to stop using our services, we provide you with all graphics and assets to use.
What if I'm not a current Local Line customer?
Our Paid Advertising service, as well as all our other services, are only available for current Local Line software users. If you're not yet a Local Line customer and would like to set up an account, you can start your free trial here.