
Unlocking New Markets and Building Customer Trust:
Certification with CNG

About The Workshop

Are you thinking of getting certified, but unsure how to get started?

Are you thinking of getting certified, but unsure how to get started? In our workshop with Certified Naturally Grown, we sit down with Keegan to learn more about their peer-reviewed certification for farmers producing food, flowers, and fiber for their local communities. This workshop will cover:
What are the differences and similarities between CNG and USDA Organic?
How does the peer review inspection process work?
Which CNG standards are most commonly confused?
Extend your growing season with a Freight Farm
Local Line Platform
About Local Line

The all-in-one sales solution for farms and food hubs.

Local Line is built for selling food online. Our platform includes out-of-the-box features like custom price lists, selling by weight, and connections with other farms and food buyers near you.